Creating Private Tasks
Learn how to create tasks that are only visible to specific teams.
Creating a Private Task
To set the visibility settings, click on any task in your task list or calendar to open the task details. You can select the privacy setting by clicking the Visible To section. This will bring up a dropdown list of the Teams in your project. Select all the Teams you wish to have access to this task.
If a team is unselected from the task's visibility, they will no longer see the task on their task list or calendar, and will be unable to see the task's subtasks, notes, comments or any other task details.
NOTE: If you select All Teams, then any future teams that are created will also have access to this task. If you only want specific teams to see this task, even in the future, then unselect All Teams and select the list of teams you want to have access.
Viewing a Team's Visibility on the Calendar
To view a team's visibility settings on the calendar. On the right hand side of the calendar you will see a tab for each Team on the project.
Clicking each team's tab will show you how the calendar will look to this team when they log in, by filtering out any tasks that are not visible to them.
To learn more about building a calendar, click here.