Adding Widgets to a Document
Learn how to add interactive widgets such as weather and maps to your documents.
Adding a Widget
Widgets are interactive elements that can be added to the header of your document to display important information.
To add a widget to a document, open a new document within a project by selecting Add and then clicking Document.
Once the blank document is created, hover over the header of your document and select Add Widget.
On the next screen, select the Widget you want to add.
Adding a Custom Text Widget
The custom text widget enables you to add important information in text at the top of your document.
Once you've added a custom text widget, click inside the widget to edit the text. You can edit the Header, Body and Subtitle of the text widget.
Adding a Map Widget
The map widget enables you to add a location on a map into your document. Clicking the map will open directions to the location via Google Maps.
Once you've selected the map widget, you will be prompted to enter an Address.
Once you've entered the address, click Save and the map widget will be added to your document.
Click the Header of the map widget to edit the text.
To edit the address of the map, hover the widget and click the Three Dot Menu and select Edit Location.
Adding a Weather Widget
The weather widget enables you to past, current or future weather forecasts to your document.
Once you've selected the weather widget, you will be prompted to enter an Address and a Date for the weather forecast. You can also choose both Fahrenheit or Celsius display options.
Once you've entered the address and date, click Save and the weather widget will be added to your document.
Click the Header of the weather widget to edit the text.
To edit the details of the weather forecast, hover the widget and click the Three Dot Menu and select Edit Weather.
Re-Ordering Widgets
To re-order widgets in your document, hover the widget and then click and drag the Move icon to re-order the widgets left to right.
Deleting Widgets
To delete a widget from your document, hover the widget and click the Trash Can icon to delete the widget.
To learn more about creating documents, click here.