Using the Global Calendar
How to use the global calendar to view all of your project calendars.
Accessing the Global Calendar
The global calendar can be found from the Projects Dashboard by clicking the Calendar tab at the top of the screen.
Here you will find all your calendars combined into a single Global Calendar.
To learn more about building a calendar, click here.
Viewing and Filtering the Calendar
There are two ways to view your calendar. Month View will show you upcoming events in a standard grid format.
Timeline View will show you events across a horizontal timeline sorted by project, and then by phase.
These views can be toggled by clicking the Month and Timeline View buttons in the upper right corner of your calendar.
In timeline view, you can open or collapse projects to view only the project timelines and milestones.
To open or collapse all projects at once, just hover the top left of the calendar and click Collapse All or Show All.
To learn more about creating milestones, click here.
You can also filter the global calendar by a number of different filter options.
To learn more about filtering the calendar, click here.
Creating a Task
Create a New Task by clicking anywhere on the calendar.
From here, the task details will open. Click the Project Name at the top left to add this task to a specific project.
Next, add notes, project phase, start and end date, subtasks, comments and more.
Undefined Tasks
If you add tasks to the calendar with no associated project, they will be added to a default project titled Undefined. You can filter by this project in the calendar filter, or view it as a standalone project in the timeline view.
Deleting a Task
To delete a task, just open the task and click the Three Dot Menu at the top right, then click Delete.