How to Organize Projects with Folders

Learn how to use folders to organize the projects in your workspace.

Organizing Projects Using Project Folders

The Projects screen shows you all the projects within your workspace. However, you may want to organize these projects into groups, such as clients or departments. To do this, you can utilize Project Folders.

On the left hand side of your screen, you'll see a collapsed view of the Folders Sidebar.

Hover and click Show Folders to open your Folders Sidebar. Beneath the the Folders section, click the + button to create a new folder.

Enter a Name for your folder, a Description (optional) and then choose to either upload a Folder Logo or choose a Color to represent the folder. Once this is done, click Create to create the folder.

Your folder has now been created.

You can simply drag and drop projects into this folder to begin adding them to the folder.

Continue adding as many folders as you need to organize your projects.

Clicking on a folder will filter the dashboard to only show projects in that folder.

You can also drag-and-drop to re-order the folders at any time.

Regardless of where you move projects, they will always all appear under the Projects tab if you need to see all of them at once.

You can also collapse the Folders Sidebar to see a compressed view by clicking Hide Folders, which can still be used to create, select and drag projects into folders.

Filtering the Global Calendar and Task List by Folder

You can utilize project folders when viewing the Global Calendar and Global Task List. Just open the calendar to view all projects, click the Filter button and then open the Folder section to filter the calendar by a specific folder.

Similarly, open the Global Task List to filter by the Folder Filter as well.

To learn more about admin vs. teammate views of the workspace, click here.

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