Sharing Review Links of Folders
Learn how to share review links of folders for external viewing.
Sharing a Review Link of a Folder
Assemble enables you to share Review Links of an entire folder or phase with anyone on the web, allowing them to view and download the files inside.
To share a review link, open the folder and click Share in the upper right hand corner. From the dropdown, select Share Review Link.
From this menu, you can set the options for your review link.
- Edit Folder Name: Change the name of the folder for the review link. This will not change the name of the folder within Assemble.
- Track Views: This will enable you to track who has viewed the folder and when by requiring each viewer enter their email address before viewing.
- Enable Download: This will enable viewers to download the files within the folder.
- Add Password Protection: Add a password that must be entered before anyone can view the review link.
- Custom Email: Send a custom subject line and email message with your review link.
Once you have selected the appropriate options, click Create Link to generate a share link. You can copy and paste this URL, or enter an email address to send the link via email from Assemble.
Tracking Who Has Viewed a Review Link
Under the Sharing tab you will see a list of all emails the link has been shared with, and a timer showing how long ago it was shared with them.
When someone has viewed a review link, a green checkmark will appear and the timer will now show how long ago they last viewed the link. You will also receive an email notification each time a new viewer views a review link.
Viewing Folder Review Links
When an external user opens a private review link they will be able to view all the files and subfolders inside, and also download the files.
They will be unable to comment or change the status of individual files from within a folder review link. If you would like to share a file for feedback, share it as an individual review link.
Learn how to share an individual file as a review link here.
Updating a Review Link
To update the review link settings at any time, open the folder and click Share, then Share Review Link.
Click the Settings tab to make any necessary changes and then click Update Link.
These settings will automatically be reflected across the review link for this file, with no need to re-share the link.
Deleting a Review Link
To delete a review link, open the folder, click Share and select Share Review Link.
From this menu, click the Trash Can icon to delete the review link.
This will delete the link permanently and remove any user's ability to access it. However, the files inside the folder will not be deleted from your project.