How to Filter and Search the Calendar and Tasks

Learn how to filter the calendar by people, phase and more.

Filtering the Global Calendar

Within the global calendar you can create filtered views across all projects. Start by clicking the Filter button to open the filter settings.

Within the drop down, you'll see a number of options:

  1. Assignee: Filter by an individual person (or multiple people) to only see tasks they are assigned to across all projects
  2. Status: See tasks that match a specific status (i.e. "In Progress" or "Priority")
  3. Folders: Filter to only see projects within a specific project folder

To learn more about project folders, click here.

  1. Projects: Filter down to a specific (or multiple) projects
  2. Phases: Only see a specific phase (or multiple phases) across all projecst (i.e. "post-production")
  3. Due Date: See tasks that are overdue, due today, due this week, or due next week.

Once you have chosen your desired filters, click Apply Filters to view the new filtered view of the calendar.

You can also combine multiple filters to gain an even more specific view. When combining filters, only results that match ALL filters will be shown (i.e. filtering by a user named "Marie" and adding a status filter for "Priority" will ONLY show tasks that are assigned to Marie and ALSO marked as priority).

To clear the filters, click the filter button again and then either remove an individual filter by clicking the X next to the filter title, or clear all filters by clicking Clear Filters.

Searching the Global Calendar

You can also quickly search the entire global calendar by project or company name. Just click the Search button to begin.

Enter the name of the project or company that you are looking for and press Enter.

The calendar will filter to only show projects that match the search term.

You can also combine a search term with the calendar filters above for even more specific results.

Filtering a Project Calendar

You can also access the calendar filters within an individual project.

The filters available in individual projects are:

  1. Assignee: Filter by an individual person (or multiple people) to only see tasks they are assigned to across all projects
  2. Status: See tasks that match a specific status (i.e. "In Progress" or "Priority")
  3. Phases: Only see a specific phase (or multiple phases) across all projecst (i.e. "post-production")
  4. Due Date: See tasks that are overdue, due today, due this week, or due next week.
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