Adding Images to a Document
Learn how to add images and image galleries into documents and tables.
Adding Images into the Document Body
To add an image into a document, click anywhere in the document and then select the Image Icon. An image placeholder will be added to the document.
Click the Plus button or drag and drop images into the placeholder to upload an image. You can upload one or multiple images.
Your image or image gallery will be added into the document body.
To expand the image to a large version, hover the top right corner of the image and click the Expand button.
The image will fill the width of the document.
To view a full screen version of the images, click any image.
Adding Images into Tables
To add an image into a table, click the Column Header and select Image.
A column of image placeholders will be added into the table.
Click the Plus button or drag and drop to upload an image or an entire gallery into a cell.
Changing the Images in a Document
There are multiple ways you can change the images within an existing gallery in the document.
To change the cover image, navigate to the image you want as the cover, then click the Three-Dot Menu and select Make Gallery Cover. The image will be moved to the first position in the gallery and become the default first image that is displayed.
To replace an image, click the Three-Dot Menu and select Replace Image. Choose a new image and it will be uploaded in place of the existing image.
To add a new image, click the Three-Dot Menu and choose Add Image. Choose a new image and it will be added as the last image in the gallery.
TIP: To replace an entire gallery, you can simply drag and drop a new image(s) on top of it.
Deleting Images from Documents
To delete an image gallery from a document, hover the image and select the Three-Dot Menu and then select Delete Gallery.
To delete an individual image from a gallery, hover the image and select the Three-Dot Menu and then select Delete Image. This will delete the current image but keep all of the remaining images in the gallery.
To delete a gallery from a table cell, hover the image and select the Trash Can Icon.
If you want to only delete one image from a gallery inside a table cell, click the Image to open the image in full screen view, then select the Three-Dot Menu and choose Delete Image.
To learn more about adding tables into documents, click here.